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Dear watermen, as spring festival is coming, we hereby announce the following:
1: the shop is scheduled to suspend delivery and customer service duty from 5/2/2021 to 17/2/17 as a result of customer service and the reunion of all staff members' small partners.If there is a baby to buy during the period, please bid by yourself.I apologize for the inconvenience caused to my family during this period.
2: after the spring festival, the shop immediately arranges the delivery of the order. we hope our parents don't worry, patiently wait, thank you for your cooperation, understanding the age of the million!
3: on sale: due to the holiday during spring festival, all post-sale issues (return, exchange, refund, etc.) are deferred until after work on 17th.
4: if you have any special circumstances, please contact us for a chat.
Wishing you all a happy new year, the new spring blessing, body does not catch a cold, health is most important, safety firecrackers, family laugh, good luck, good luck in the news, how wonderful life!
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